BEAT! BEAT! DRUMS – WALT WHITMAN Introduction: In the poem, Beat! Beat! Drums! the poet expresses the spontaneous reaction of the people in the early years of the Civil War. The poem shows the steady development of the theme of civil war. The poet feels the cause of war was justified by the events of that period. The drums, he says, should be able even “to shake the dead.” But then no one can deny that war means disruption of normal activity in a person’s life. Beating of human heart: In “Beat! Beat! Drums!” Whitman shows his view of what he thinks will the coming war will bring. His poem describes a noise played by drums being extremely loud. The noise being played represents the importance of the coming war. He says “Leave not the for bridegroom quiet-no happiness must he have now with his bride, nor the peaceful farmer any peace ploughing his field.” He says the music should play so loud that it should not be quiet anywhere. He also says that the war will be the main fo...